Pumpkin and Apple Slices

These pumpkin and apple slices are a great way to get extra veg in to your childā€™s (and your own) diet.

Since becoming a mum Iā€™ve been exploring ways to get more veg into children without them realising itā€™s there! Iā€™m fortunate that my little girl is very good at eating healthily, however Iā€™m very conscious that this might not last forever. So whilst Iā€™m making the most of it, Iā€™m also including hidden veg so when the day comes when she gets more fussy I hopefully have a head start. So far these pumpkin and apple slices have been going down a treat, she loves them!

Iā€™m also a big advocate for not giving children unnecessary sugar and whilst Iā€™ve gone as far as keeping my daughter completely added sugar-free for 2 years, I donā€™t expect everyone else to. Whilst keeping her diet sugar-free I donā€™t want her to feel like she is missing out, so I often make her sugar-free cakes.

Now that she is getting older, I am starting to relax my take on sugar because I donā€™t want her to grow up thinking that she needs to restrict certain foods and in turn create a child who secretly binges. So, these pumpkin and apple slices are a great next step as they only have 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in the whole cake.

Recipe adaptations

These pumpkin and apple slices are dairy-free and made without any added fat and can easily be made vegan by replacing the egg with 1 small mashed banana. If you donā€™t have access to pumpkin, then they work equally well with butternut squash instead.


Pumpkins are good to keep your heart healthy, keep your cholesterol down and keep your vision tiptop. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A and C, antioxidants and potassium.


  • 170g grated raw pumpkin
  • 1 egg
  • 120g apple sauce (I leave the skin on, remove the core, chop and stew apples with a bit of water)
  • 2tbsp maple syrup
  • 115g self raising flour
  • 1tsp cinnamon
  • 1tsp mixed spice
  • 60g coconut
  • 60g raisins


  1. Heat the oven to Gas mark 5/190degrees
  2. Grease a 7ā€ square tin, I use a silicone one so it doesnā€™t need greasing
  3. Whisk the apple and honey together in a food mixer.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well
  5. Spoon into the tin and bake for 40mins

If you liked this recipe why not check out more of my healthy toddler snacks

Chocolate Fudge Drops

I created this recipe for healthy chocolate fudge drops as I frequently get asked for ideas to help people with sugar cravings. More often than not sugar cravings in the evening are due to habits that we have formed. This can be due to a number of things from feeling like we deserve a treat after a stressful day to not eating enough and still being hungry.

As a result, these delicious chocolate fudge drops are packed full of protein and healthy fats to give you an energy boost and a sweet treat in one go.

I’m happy for my toddler to eat them too as they have no added sugar. They are quick and easy to make and don’t require any baking! Making them perfect to make whilst keeping an eye on my toddler!

Not only are they tasty they are fantastic if you are breastfeeding to keep your energy levels up or in the early days of long nights with your baby!

Ingredients for Chocolate Fudge Drops:

Makes 20 (depending on size)

  • 9 Medjool dates
  • 3 tbsp Coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp cashew butter
  • 2 tbsp cacao


  1. Put the dates into a small hand mixer and blend until they are finely chopped
  2. Melt the coconut oil, then leave to cool a little bit
  3. Add all the remaining ingredients to the blender and mix until combined
  4. Roll the mixture in to small balls and place on a lined baking tray
  5. Refrigerate for an hour to allow the balls to set


I like to mix these up a bit and a great way to do this is to make with peanut butter instead. Simply add an extra tbsp of coconut milk and replace the cashew butter with peanut butter.

I’d love to hear how you get on with this recipe so leave a comment below. Alternatively click here for more of my healthy treats.

Vegan Chocolate Fudge Drops, packed full of protein with no added sugar